• Can someone with mental health issues be eligible for the NDIS?
    If you have a mental health condition and want to access the NDIS, you must be an Australian citizen, or have a permanent or Special Category Visa (SCV), be under 65 years old when you apply to join the NDIS and live in an area where the NDIS is available. You must also be able to provide evidence that: your mental health condition has caused difficulties in your everyday life and the difficulties you experience as a result of your mental health condition mean you will likely always require NDIS support.  Also, the difficulties you experience as a result of your mental health issue have substantially reduced your ability to do everyday activities. 

NDIS funded Recovery Coach

From July 2020, psychosocial recovery coaches may be funded by the NDIS to support NDIS participants with psychosocial disabilities to live a full and contributing life.

Recovery coaches support people to take more control of their lives and to better manage the complex challenges of day-to-day living.

Enable All Recovery Coaches work collaboratively with our Client, their families, carers and other services to design, plan and implement a recovery plan, and assist with the coordination of NDIS and other supports.

Enable All’s psychosocial support worker team has a combination of selected qualifications and/or lived experience.  You can have the option of selecting an Enable All recovery coach with lived experience or a recovery coach with learnt knowledge of psychosocial disability and mental health.


  • What supports can be funded by the NDIS for Psychosocial Disability?
    The NDIS may fund psychosocial support services that focus on your functional ability and long term recovery, and are not clinical. That funded supports to help with the things you can and can’t do due to your disability. such as: ° Doing activities of daily living – that is, go about your daily life ° Taking part in your community, your social life, study and work ° Regaining and rebuilding skills and confidence in your usual activities of daily living.

Many of the Enable All support team have additional qualifications in Mental Health as well as years of experience providing psychosocial support to those of all ages.


How does Enable All engage with clients, carers and families?

To ensure we provide safe, effective, comprehensive and sustainable supports our team will:

  1. Meet with you (the client), family (informal supports) and required mental health professionals to ensure a client focussed service provision.  Communication is the key to ensure supports are coordinated and funded according to the NDIS plan
  2. Compare the support needs of the client with the availability of our qualified and experienced employees and recruit new people when required
  3. Arrange a meeting with the client and all involved with their support to ensure everyone understands their role and responsibility
  4. Develop Care Plans and provide the supports as recommended and agreed  Supports will be continuously monitored, documented and updated where and when required

TIP – If you are wanting to include psychosocial support as part of your NDIS plan, be sure to discuss with either your NDIS Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or relevant planning worker.

So make a time to meet with us and hear how we can help.

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Disability Support Providers Geelong